Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Questions for "The Romance of Tristan" (Day Two / Parts 7-13)

Please read the information posted below on your in-class presentations.

As you did for Wednesday, use these questions as a guide to your reading. You may answer at least two if you want or write about other things of interest. Please have your responses posted on your blog by 9:00 a.m. Friday morning.

1. Discuss Tristan and Yseult’s stay in the woods (apart from their ‘repentance’). How are they living / surviving? What must they do? Why? What do you think is the deeper significance of this? Reference specific points in the text to support your answer.

2. What do you make of the repentance of Tristan and Yseult? Is this a genuine repentance or just a further manipulation of truth and fiction on their part? How can they claim to have never had a “wrongful love”? What specifically in the text leads you to your conclusions?

3. Do a “close reading” (meaning try to analyze) of the scene in the bower as the lovers sleep and King Mark discovers them. What is the “set up” to this encounter provided in the text? How does the narrator present the lovers? What about the description the narrator provides (the sword, the ring, the sunlight, the position of the lovers as they sleep, their mouths….)? What might these elements, or at least some of them, imply? Why does King Mark react the way he does?

4. We are told the love potion has ‘worn off’ after three years. Describe the reactions Tristan and Yseult have regarding this fact. Why is this the case?

5. What do you make of the letter sent to King Mark? How do you read / interpret the message of this letter? Are you surprised by the King’s reaction? The reactions of others? Why or why not?


  1. 1. Tristan and yseult stay in the woods for survival while they try to escape whoever from the kingdom who is following. They live like scavengers because their clothes are torn apart from the branches and Tristan must protect them from followers and must hunt animals for food. Tristan in the context had to teach the dog not to bark when hunting because they feared of anyone to hear the dog or them when they were traveling. They end up regretting this because they feel it was a bad idea because of all the misery and sacrifice they had to make while running from everybody.
    2. Tristan and Yseult repentance sounds half true half fake because at one point they did love each other even though they were under the potion but if somebody loves somebody its usually your whole lifetime that you will love them and they can't just stop loving them. In the context they spent along time together from when they were having the affair to when they escaped from being burnt so they have been through a lot together. They can't just say they never loved each other because they really did and they probably still do even though they are writing that letter to king Mark.

  2. Here, You can get to my blog by clicking my name I think. My e-mail is not working at the moment otherwise I would have linked you that way. My responses are in my blog.
