Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In-Class Presentations and Student-Led Discussions

As I mentioned earlier in class, each of you will lead one of the class discussions during the semester. This week begin to look over the course calendar -- all the student-led discussions are listed. Decide (1) with whom you want to work (you'll work in pairs) and (2) when you'd like to present. By next Monday I'd like to know your decisions. Be flexible though, not everyone may get exactly what she or he wants. (If you notice, no student-led discussion will be the first day of a new text -- we'll be in it a few days, so you're comfortable with the story before you present).

You will be in charge of the following:

1. Writing "reading questions" for the blog before class.
2. Beginning with an overall presentation of ideas you have (this can be on Powerpoint -- be creative! I want to see your inventiveness.)
3. Leading the discussion for that day and coming up with any activities (if you want) that you think might help the discussion along (small-group activities / class activities).

Of course I am always available for help, and can meet with you before you present to go over ideas, questions, discussion formats, and to offer advice, information, etc.

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