Friday, September 4, 2009

Questions for “The Romance of Tristan” (Day One / Parts 1-6)

As I stated in class, these questions are meant to be a guide to your reading. You may answer at least two of them in your own response for the blog, or you may write about your own thoughts (or come up with your own questions even). The response should be AT LEAST 200 – 250 words and should be posted by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday.

1. How would you characterize one, two, or all of the main characters of this text (Tristan, Yseut, King Mark)? What specific scenes in the text lead you to these conclusions? Why do you think the text presents these characters in this way?

2. What does the text thus far have to say about the power of language and speech (truth, lies, fiction, fact)? What messages do we get from the text about these things? What specific scenes in the text lead you to these conclusions? (Related question: What might this have to say about the power of story-telling itself?)

3. What messages do we get about love, falling in love, and desire from the text? What in the text makes you come to these conclusions?

4. On whose side are you after reading parts 1-6? Tristan and Yseut’s? King Mark’s? The barons’? Why? What does the text do you make you come to these conclusions?

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