Friday, September 18, 2009

Questions from Donny and Rob for "Erec and Enide" (Day Three / pp. 90 - 122)

1.In the last passages that we read, Enide passed Erec's test what are the implications of this? How do we see Erec and Enide's relationship change? Has nothing changed from before they left their kingdom? If so why do you believe Erec put Enide through this ordeal?

2. In this last passage of the text we witness an interesting event, we are told of the "death" of Erec and his later "rebirth", what does this mean? Why did Chretien choose to not only include this? Is there a deeper meaning? How does this event relate to the rest of the text?

3.The last adventure of this tale was The Joy, how do you interpret this event? What does it have to say in relation to the rest of the text? For that matter how does it tie in with the rest of the adventures Erec has? What themes do they relate to us in whole?

4.Throughout the whole text we encounter many lavish descriptions of regal events including the wedding of Erec and Enide, KIng Arthur's festival, the Joy, and the grandest of them all the coronation of Erec and Enide. Why are these inscriptions so detailed? When examined what else do we get from them? What was Chretien's purpose in these descriptions?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Enide passed Erec's test when he hears her saying that she won't follow that king's orders or is not feared at him at all. Erec is thrilled by what he hears and realizes she really loves him. Their relationship has changed for the better and Erec says he will not even be upset with Enide if she disobeyed him because she has proved herself that she really loves him and he loves her. A lot has changed since they have left the kingdom and they realized they are truly in love. Erec put her through this to see what kind of person she was and he found out who she really was and he liked what he saw.
    2. We are told of the "death" and the "rebirth" of Erec but it was shown that it was all a test for Enide for what she would do or say about it when he became conscious and Erec liked what he heard her say. Chretien decided to include this because it shows the rebirth of their love again. It relates to the rest of the text because Erec and Enide become crowned king and queen when Erec father dies.
