Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Questions from Dorthea and Emily for The Decameron (Day Six / 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 10.10)

Please answer questions for at least two stories.

How do the nun's actions reflect upon the church/religion itself? Does sin become relative? Explain.

Who do you feel is guilty- Calandrino or his friends? Why? What does Tessa's position (his wife) in the story say about woman's roles in general?

Analyze the significance of magic in this tale. What are the appearances verses the reality of the affair/trick?

Analyze the wife and her actions. What does her overall perception of the events say about human nature? (Look into her point of view from the night to the morning)

Do Gualtieri and his wife deserve one another's love? Why or why not?
What could her clothing symbolize?
How is this story different from all the rest, and why do you think it was chosen last?

1 comment:

  1. 9.2 The nun's actions reflect up the church/ religion itself making it look bad because I start to think that nuns might actually do this in real life which is considered a sin. It would be hypercritical if they really were having affairs with men if there suppose to be celibate.
    9.3 Calandrio friends are guilty because they trick him into something really stupid and he believes it. He obviously is not the brightest person. It reminded me of the movie Jr. with Arnold Schwartzinator when he has a baby being a male. The apperance shows how dumb some people can be.
    9.6 The wife in the story is very intelligent realizing about everything that is going on when the one guy says he slept with the daughter. She covers everything up and pretty much her perception is that stuff happens. She can't go back in time and fix it so she has to live with it. Everybody was supposedly dreaming so nobody will find out what really happened.
