Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Decameron (Day Two / 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 3.1)

The questions are for Wednesday, October 14th -- your response will be due by 9:00 a.m. that day.

Remember, there is no class Monday -- instead of class you are to send me the final version of your first paper, in electronic format, to my email address ( by midnight.

Answer at least two questions or come up with your own analysis of the stories.

1. Story 2.5: Analyze the educative process that occurs with Andreuccio (do NOT simply recount the events of the story). Do you see any repetition occurring here? How do you read this repetition? How does this contribute to his education? What does he learn here? What might the message be for a wider audience? Use specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

2. Story 2.6: What does this story have to say about humanity (especially considering that the central character becomes a kind of ‘wild-woman’)? How might this view of humanity influence the story of a whole? Use specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

3. Story 2.7: What do you think this story has to say about femininity? Gender? Desire? Lust? What might the message be for a wider audience? Use specific examples from the story to support your analysis.

4. Story 2.9: What does this story have to say about crossing ‘borders,’ especially that between female / male? (This is not the first time we have seen this in the Decameron). What might this have to say about gender and our ideas concerning gender identity in a larger sense? Use specific examples from the text to support your analysis.

5. Story 3.1: In story 2.7 we read about a ‘mute’ woman who does not speak because nobody speaks her language. Here we read a story about a ‘mute’ man in a convent. What are the differences / similarities here? How do you read this ‘muteness’? How might this play into a politics of gender, power, etc. that may or may not be related to speech? Use specific examples from the story to support your analysis.

1 comment:

  1. 1. In all of these stories repetition has occurred because if something happens it always some how leads back to the beginning. The guy was tricked into believing that some lady was his sister and she ended up stealing his money but later on he takes a ring that was the same amount as the money that was stolen from him which ends up back to the beginning of having the same amount of money. A wider audience will catch on to his writing style that what happens in the beginning of the story always ends up making sense or gives a reason for it happening in the end.
    3. The story has to say about femininity that some woman do anything to get what they want and be flirty and use their looks to get things. All the men in the story has so much lust for her because of how beautiful she was. Men were killing their own relatives and best friends for their desire of just having her. She is like their pet dog. In the text one of the men killed his own brother for her.
