Saturday, October 24, 2009

Celestina (Day One / Acts 1 – 2)

The version of Celestina which you have contains 16 acts. The full text though has 21, five additional acts placed between Acts 14 and 15 of your version. The complete text is what we shall study (unfortunately it is out of print in English). You can read up through Act 13, but beginning with Act 14, you will have to read the additional acts which I will put on Blackboard under Course Documents. You can return to your book for Acts 15 and 16 (which now become Acts 20 and 21).

Please answer at least two questions:

1. Analyze the opening scene in Melibea’s garden. Why a garden? What might a garden signify? How do you interpret the words of Calisto and Melibea? Why does Melibea react in this manner? Can we read these words as genuine?

2. Discuss Calisto and Sempronio’s conversation in Act I. How do you interpret Calisto’s illness? His discussion about Melibea? The discussion about women? What occurs here? Use quotes and specific examples for the text to support your answer.

3. What are our initial impressions of Celestina? What type of character is this? What does she say which influences your analysis? What about her later exchanges with Parmeno? (And this back history with Parmeno’s mother – what do you think happens here?)

4. Analyze Parmeno’s long speeches concerning Celestina. What is her history, profession, etc.? What do you think she represents within the text? How does the entire community view this woman? Why? Use specific examples from the text to support your answer.

5. Analyze the speech of these characters (you can point to specific examples to formulate your answer). What type of speech is this? Why?

1 comment:

  1. 1. The Garden represents the opening scene. The garden can be considered as a chill spot. Calisto feels that Malibea would think it was romantic for him to say his confession to her in the garden.I thought it was kind of funny of Malibea's reaction. I feel since he said she is his reward she might take that like she is the best and superior over everyone else maybe. Calisto is pretty sincere in whst he says.
    2. Calisto illness came because he was put under a spell. Calisto falls deeply in love with Malibea. She hates him and this makes him feel sick/ill. He feels that he deserves her. He probably comes off as a creep to her.
