Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Questions for “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”

Some thoughts that occurred to me as I watched the film….

Choose some questions for your blog response.

1. Why do you think we have this for a title? Why not, “Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Grail”? What does the title imply about the film as a whole?

2. The film opens with Indiana Jones as a child (played by the late River Phoenix). Think about why Spielberg chooses to begin with this “background” to the film and its main character. What characterization do we get of the “young Indy”?

3. How does this “young Indy” play into how we perceive Indiana Jones as an adult? The first scene we see with him is a structural “hold-over” from this childhood scene – he has (re)found the cross, for which he has been searching “all his life” as he states. What is it about this cross? Why a cross? How does this relate to the “adult Indiana”?

4. We do not see Indiana’s father until much later in the film, though there are hints of him earlier – a quick scene of his study in Indy’s childhood home in Utah and more importantly the “Grail book.” What does this Grail book contain? Why is it so important (yes there are obvious explanations, but are there any hidden meanings here)?

5. What is the role of Indiana’s father in the film? Why this connection to the father? (In other Grail quests, the feminine was so important – do we have something similar in the film? Why or why not? Or maybe -- why the shift away from the feminine / maternal?)

6. Describe / explain the latter part of the film – what does Indiana have to do to achieve the Grail? How do you interpret these actions? (We also have, of course, the injury and rescue of the father from death – how do you interpret this?)

7. Explain these quotes from the film: “The search for the Grail is the search for the divine in all of us.” “Why do you seek the cup of Christ, for his glory or for yours?”

8. Why do you think attaining the Grail must involve choosing the correct Grail from all the false ones? What might this imply about the search / the notion of the quest?

9. Why do you think the Grail cannot (1) move beyond the Great Seal and (2) is lost. What is it about the notion of a Grail that is ALWAYS unattainable (as we saw in all three of our Grail quests – Perceval’s, Persse’s and now Indiana’s)?

10. Anything else you’d like to discuss.

1 comment:

  1. 2. He choose to start with the childhood because it gives more information about what he is trying to find later in the movie. Some people might not have known what was going on if it just started in his adulthood. The "Young Indy" is determined to get the grail which is similar to knights quest for the grail.
    3. The cross is very important to him because his idea of it is that the cross should be an a museum rather then the other people's hands. He has an obsession with the cross.
    4. The grail book contains parts from their life and before their life of the history and where it can be located. The book shows what you need to look beyond to actually find the grail.
    5. Indiana has to go on a quest for the grail which resembles going for what you desire which desire has been shown in many of the books comparing it to woman.
    8. Attaining the grail must involve choosing the right one because it is more of a desire then a need. He should know in his heart which one it is because of how much he wants it.
    9. The grail cannot moved beyond the great seal because some things just can't happen from my perspective. You can't ask for too much of something which is what they are doing. At least he saw what he wanted.
