Friday, November 6, 2009

Questions for Buñuel's "That Obscure Object of Desire"

1. Why do you think the film is titled That Obscure Object of Desire? What is this “obscure object”? How does the film present it as such? Use specific imagery or scenes from the film in your answer.

2. Why do you think terrorism is an ever-pervasive “background” to the events of the film?

3. Why do you think Buñuel uses two actresses to play the part of Conchita? Refer to specific scenes in which one or the other appears to support your answer.

4. What do you make of the animal imagery in the text (the mouse, the fly)?

5. Why do you think Matthieu is the narrator of the film? Why is most of the film a flashback? (Think about who is sitting next to Matthieu in the train compartment.)

6. How does the world of Celestina infiltrate and influence this film? Refer to specific images or scenes from the film to support your answer.

7. Do you have any interpretation of the final moments of the film? (The sewing, the music, the explosion….)

8. Why do you think we see the burlap sac at various parts throughout the film, first carried by a passerby, and then Matthieu, and then again at the end of the film?

1 comment:

  1. 1.The film is titled That Obscure Object of Desire because the man truly is desired to be with his lover. The "obscure object" could be shown as her not showing clear vision to him that he loves Conchita. The film shows this identity up until she quits her job and finally gives into him.
    2. Terrorism can be shown as a background because it could be of the time period that the movie is suppose to take place in.
    3. Bunuel uses two actress's because it might signify a different meaning.
    4.The animal imagery shows a different perspective then a way of being told usually.
    5. Matthieu is the narrator of the film because he has to explain why he threw the water on the lady. Most of the story is a flashback because it fits the sequence of events leading up to the story.
    6. Celestina influence's this film because of how in the film and the book love really wasn't true in both or that both couples died on bad terms.
    7. The final moments of the film can be viewed as very odd how it ends.
    8. The burlap sac represents something but I'm not sure what it does.
